Liquid CD

Locked rate. Liquid options.
Offering a refreshing twist on the traditional CD, our new Liquid CD lets you withdraw* or deposit** up to 50% of your initial deposit over the 28-month term, penalty free.
This offer can end at any time.
Liquid CD Features
Liquid CD has a fixed rate and term like a
traditional CD but offers penalty-free withdrawal and deposit
- APY: 3.50%, Rate: 3.452%
- Term: 28 months
- Withdrawal
Option: Withdraw up to
50% of the initial deposit over the 28-month term, penalty free.
Limited to three (3) withdrawals. Penalties apply to withdrawal of more than
50% of initial deposit or more than three withdrawals.
- Deposit Option: Deposit up to 50% of the initial deposit over the 28-month term, penalty free. (No limit to the number of deposits.)
- Minimum Deposit: $500
- Maximum Deposit: $500,000
- Commercial Accounts are included
- Dividend is compounded quarterly, and the member can choose how they wish to receive their dividend
- Liquid CD will automatically renew into a similar product
Make your cash grow and flow with Liquid CD.
Call 800-336-6309 or visit any branch to learn more.
+Annual Percentage Yield of Term Share Certificate (CD) is 3.50% APY and accurate as of 10/07/2024. Minimum deposit of $500 is required. *Limited to three (3) withdrawals. Penalties apply to withdrawal of more than 50% of initial deposit or more than three withdrawals. **A maximum of 50% of the initial deposit can be added. Maximum initial deposit limited to $500,000. Specific services, rates, and fees are subject to change without notice. All deposits are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Commercial accounts are included. All claims are based on average comparison with other financial institutions.
Call 800-336-6309 or visit any branch to learn more.
See current Savings Rates.
Are my funds insured?
Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. Calculate share insurance coverage using the NCUA’s Share Insurance Estimator at